Ahahahahaha... Gotcha! I actually liked it. What do you know!
Okay okay calm down. Of course is not like the original. But what did you expect? That is a classic movie with legendary actors that came out in an era that this variety of high quality movies weren't being made. It was special and we grew up with that. It's just like saying that todays, I don't know, icecream doesn't taste as good as it used to. It's a good memory from our past and a reboot is of course not going to replace it; it's not even what they aim to do. We all know it's because of the current lack of content and creativy in Hollywood right?

So, I'm going to make my review disregarding the whole existence of the previous Ghostbusters movies.
I have to start with how I loved seeing literally my favorite female comediens in the lead. I am a big SNL fan (I acknowledge that SNL is also not what it used to be; but they still introduced us to amazing talents) and I must say in my opinion Kristen Wigg is the queen of the comedy world. I can't even start explaining how much I adore this multitalented gorgeous woman. So I won't cause I think you got the idea.
Melissa McCharty is one of the rising stars of a decent amount of years now; and I have been vigorously following her since she made me fall in love with the lovely and clumsy Sookie St. James in Gilmore Girls. Considering her performance in this movie, she wasn't any short on the perfection as usual.
And then there are the relatively less experienced however still as talented Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones.
Kate McKinnon also seems to be very popular these days and I can totally understand why. She is very funny and of course her blonde beauty doesn't really hurt her case. But I have to say even though she provided a whole lot of laughs through out the movie, her character just seemed a little too forced. Until the very end of the movie she acts more like a brilliant but a bit miswired robot showing absolutely no emotion whatsoever.
I personally really value the character depth and she simply had none. I'm not sure if it's the director effect or the writing but the actor always has a responsibility towarda their character to make them feel more human and I'm afraid Kate McKinnon was not so successful in this area.
In SNL Leslie Jones almost always plays characters that are intimidating and with a quality of extreme insanity. She still had that lively and full of life style of hers in this movie however, it was refreshing to see her tone the crazy down a bit. If you have ever seen her play herself in the News Update with Colin Jost then you know what I mean. She really added a different kind of joy to the ensemble performance.
Not all of the major characters were women of course. Along side of the Ghost Busters crew, we got the incredibly stupid character of Kevin the secretary. I have definitely, totally, absolutely no objection to the casting choice. Oh holy Chris Hemsworth! (Drool)
He is definitely very easy to eyes and his acting was quite charming. However, the character was written very poorly once again. His stupidity sure causes some laughs at first. The glasses bid and the telephone being in the fish tank was really funny. But after some point the repetative phone jokes and the constant reminder of the glasses with no glasses has become very annoying.
I actually really started enjoying his performance after he was possesed by the antagonist ghost and it only lasted until he was back to being plain Kevin again. Again there was no sign of character depth he was just hot and stupid. That was his whole persona. This bid may work for a short sketch but for a character that has a lot of screentime in a 2 hour movie, it is just poor work.
If we stop ignoring the fact that there were 2 other Ghostbusters movies before this one for a while, I have to say that although the cameos from Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver was far from satisfying, they were nice to see.
Ozzy Osbourne was a good touch though. ("Sharon! Am I daydreaming again??")
The two cameos that I actually enjoyed were of the Marshmallow Man and of course Slimer. Ghostbuster is really nothing in my eyes without those two. I am very happy that Slimer found himself a Mrs. Slimer. (Man I so identify with that character, I don't even know why)
In overall I don't think that it was a 5.7 rating movie. I personally voted with a 7. But despite all the good thoughts and wishes from my side, unfortunately today, at the almost end of its 3rd week in the box office, with a $144 million budget, the movie has only made a $135.4 million worldwide. Which makes it very unlikely that the studio will shine a green light for the sequel. But who knows, maybe Sony will make a second mistake.
If you enjoyed the movie as I did leave a comment. What the hell, if you didn't enjoy it just feel free to shout how wrong I am in the comments also. I'm open to all. Don't be shy.
As usual, thank you for reading my humble opinion.