Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Quicksilver vs. Quicksilver

Right after the Avengers entry, it's time to write for something I have been waiting for a long time.

The ultimate battle:

Quicksilver vs. Quicksilver

Of course what I'm talking about is the Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff in the Days of the Future Past and Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff in the Avengers: Age of Ultron.

I may be tiny bit, biased towards X-Men and Evan Peters. But I promise I'll do my best to be fair.

Then let's begin... First I want to point out the nationality fact. Peter Maximoff (Peters) is obviously if not American born is American raised whereas Pietro Maximoff (Taylor-johnson) is an orphan coming from somewhere in Russia? Not sure of that. Factually Quicksilver is adopted by a gypsy couple and if we talk about backgrounds, admittedly the Avengers accent is more on point than the X-Men accent. For that I have to give Taylor-Johnson one point.

Moving on to something that breaks my heart. Poor Wanda. In X-Men Wanda Maximoff... is... practically... a baby... and she's wearing a princess costume? Scandalous! It is understandable that who Avengers really wanted in the movie was Scarlet Witch and therefore she was created meticulously but they involved Quicksilver too! As a grown up! It's not that hard Brian Singer! There goes another point to team Avengers.

I don't find it fair to compare the costumes of the two representations. I found the costume of Pietro successful. However, in the X-Men movie, Peter is not Quicksilver yet; so you can't expect him to wear the Quicksilver costume can you? The silver jacket, despite everyone on the internet, I like. They tried creating a more futuristic look for him and I think that it was a good idea. (Plus I would shoot anyone who would complain about Days of the Future Past's costumes if I had a gun. It deserved an Oscar; really!)

Since I find it a bad idea to compare the costume, I'm going to compare... the hair. I admit that Peters' hair looks a bit fake, plasticky, but Johnson's hair is fucking blond! Nope! point goes to Peters in this one.

Attitude... now that's the hard part. I think that both actors nailed the Quicksilver sassiness. I hate using this word but I will: Aaron got the serious case of swag. But to let my bias show, I was much more impressed with Evan's performance. First of all, the idea of making him speak fast... genius! Bryan Singer explained in one of his interview that Quicksilver is too fast that he finds everything happening around him slow and boring; and we can observe his boredom in his rapid talk. Now try that with that accent Aaron!

I also like the kleptomania bid. He is obviously a teenager and he has a great power; it is natural for him drift to the simple crimes. With the attitude and the kleptomania detail, I add 2 lovely points to dear Evan.

Going back to the facts, even though the kitchen scene in X-Men (I will come back to it later) was amazing, Quicksilver is unfortunately not that fast. If he was he wouldn't get shot in the Avenger would he? That one goes to the team Avengers again.

I know it's a copyright issue, but no Quicksilver is acceptable in my book without the daddy issues; which means point goes all the way to Michael Fassbender's amazing Magneto. "My mom used to know a guy who could do that." Classic!

We have to agree on that Quicksilver is no joke. He has to play a good part if he's in. He's special, he's wonderful, unique... Ehhmm, sorry. So let's get to the kitchen scene =)). I am proudly biased on this one and you are a fool if you're not too. That scene, was honestly my favourite scene in the whole cinema history. His speed might be exaggerated, but what is creates is funny and enjoyable. It's arguably the best scene in the movie. And in the Avengers Quicksilver mostly hangs out around Scarlet Witch so... POINT X-MEN!

Finally, the aftermath... I admit that it's foolish to leave Quicksilver after he can even break into the Pentagon and get Magneto out. I mean he could single handedly solve all the problem in the movie. But that would be too easy, wouldn't it? Why would you watch the movie then? They use the guy, then toss him out like a used... jet? I don't know. But at least they didn't fucking kill him off! Once again WTF Marvel? Whatever the action may be, you lose that point for killing Quicksilver! Go X-Men!

As a result, we end up with 3 points for Avengers: Age of Ultron's Pietro Maximoff played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson and 6 well deserved points for X-Men: Days of the Future Past's Peter Maximoff played by Evan Peters. So the winner is obviously this guy:

Thank you for reading my humble opinion. (Go Mutants!)

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